Professor Pete Alexander
Professor Pete Alexander
Physical Laughter Club
  • Venue : Grace Lutheran Church, 1120 Walker Street
  • Address : Port Townsend, Washington, United States
  • Contact : None
Club Images

Port Townsend Laughter Club

Laughter Yoga is a unique exercise routine which combines unconditional laughter with deep breathing. Anyone in class can laugh without relying on humor, jokes or comedy. Laughter is initially simulated as a physical exercise while maintaining eye contact with others in the group and promoting childlike playfulness. In most cases this soon leads to real and contagious laughter.

Laughter Club sessions start with gentle warm-up techniques which include stretching, chanting, clapping and body movement. Breathing exercises are used to prepare the lungs for laughter followed by a series of “laughter exercises” that combine the method of acting and visualization techniques with playfulness. These exercises, when combined with the strong social dynamics of group behavior, lead to prolonged and hearty unconditional laughter. Laughter exercises are interspersed with breathing exercises.

Laughter Yoga is 90% laughing, and 10% deep breathing and/or stretching. Almost anyone in any shape can benefit from it 🙂

Free to attend, and no equipment is necessary. 

Image by Yeu RodVall from

Every Friday from 2:00pm - 3:00pm