Venue : Montreal
Address : Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Email : wendy@laughterfit.ca
Contact : None
Laughter FIT
Laughter FIT has been meeting weekly for over seven years, first at Meta 1111 in Montreal, and now online during the pandemic for the whole world to join in.
We combine Laughter Yoga with Laughercize, a splash of improv, and the breath of traditional yoga. Practiced either sitting or standing, this interactive exercise is done at your own comfort level. You are welcome to laugh loudly or quietly, smile as small or as wide as you like.
Here's the link:
Here is the link:
Meeting ID: 892 2958 0601
Passcode: Laughter
It is an accessible activity for all ages and abilities. Our warm family of Laughletes welcome newcomers with open arms, local and international. Laughing unconditionally can be challenging at first, but we are here to help you feel at ease so you can laugh freely.
Do you remember the last time you laughed your head off? Laughter Yoga will reconnect you with your breath, your inner child, can improve your emotional intelligence, and allow you to reap all of the mind and body benefits of laughter that will last with you long after you leave! It can be great exercise too!
Anybody can do Laughter Yoga, any time, any place. No jokes, sense of humour, or yoga mat are required. We guide you with easy, fun exercises that promote laughter, and due to its contagious nature, this improvised laughter quickly becomes real.
The act of laughing promotes all sorts of amazing changes in the body whether it's real or simulated - from decreasing nasty stress hormones that break down our immune system (adrenalin and cortisol) to increasing the happy hormones serotonin (natural pain killer) and adrenalin. Give it a try, you'll see how easy and fun it is! We look forward to welcoming new Laughletes from other meet ups groups, with mirthful laughter!