Lol 4 Real! With Oni Lasana
Lol 4 Real! With Oni Lasana
Certified Leader

My Profile

I, Oni Lasana "desired poet of the people" am a professional storyteller, poet, musician, performing and teaching artist. I was certified as a Laughter Yoga Leader/Guide in August 2017, under Laughter Goddess...Alexa Drubay of Pennsylvania! I am a life long community arts activist, cultural consultant and creative muse to many. A auntie, mother, nana and a "wifey for lifey." To my talented and handsome husband of 35 years! ?æI love laughing with children the most, but also find a kindred connection with people of all ages. As a holistic humanitarian, Laughter Yoga has given me a new lease on life and benefits me in my own respiratory challenges. I am a "people person" with a highly intuitive nature, an emphatic nature, with insight, courage, an advocate of organic wellness and of arts in education. I am in love with Laughter Yoga as way to guide others to practice more joy and know that the only race that matters is the HUMAN RACE. I'am a creative mentor to many and my mission is to break barriers, connect communities and share culture while having a great time developing into a full time Laughter Yoga Leader and guide. "Love much, Laugh more"