Lara Lucaccioni
Lara Lucaccioni
Certified Master Trainer

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Main Italian Laughter Yoga Master Trainer (35 in the world) and one of the most active in the world, she was trained directly in India by Doctor Madan Kataria and was appointed by him as Laughter Ambassador. She has been him referent in Italy and since 2016 she has been organizing the National Laughter Yoga Congresses.

She have led thousands of people to experience laughter with more freedom and developed the application of Laughter Yoga in companies for effective team building, to manage stress and to increase performance and creativity.

She is the first Italian Trainer of the Heartmath® Institute, who for years has been studying resilience and the heart, its physiology, its potential.

She deals with the Science of Happiness, for individuals and organizations, and is CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) certified. Company collaborations include Generali, Microsoft, Hilton, HP, S&P Global, Linkedin, Zurich, Arca Assicurazioni, Alleanza, Biogen, Ausl di Modena, L - Founders of Loyalty, Federmanager, Università Cattolica and many small and medium-sized enterprises.

She is called as a speaker in events to bring the energy of unconditional laughter and the practice of heart coherence and inspire positivity. She is the author of the bestseller Ridi Ama Vivi, released in May 2020 for Rizzoli. In 2021 she was TEDx speaker in Ascoli Piceno.