Matti Anttila
Matti Anttila
Certified Teacher

My Profile

Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, Certified 4 Minute Fitness Instructor, Certified Seminar Leader. Pld (Professional Laughter Dude).

Mattiäó»s most passionate interest is in health, fitness, longevity and human potential. It seems many of us humans only realize a small portion of our full potential. Hence, Laughter Yoga, which can help to free us of many of the blocks to creativity and our potential.

Studies: Judo, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, meditation, massage, dancing, Ashtanga Yoga, herbology, VitaFlex, Aikido, Rebirthing, Reiki, singing, Tai Chi, Qigong, natural healing, ξLaughter Yoga, The Presence Process. the Iceman Course