Linda Nightingale
Linda Nightingale
Certified Teacher

My Profile

Life changed irrevocably in 1996 when my?æ11 year old daughter was diagnosed with incurable heart disease. My husbandäó»s diagnosis (itäó»s genetic) and him leaving work, compounded everything and suddenly Iäóñ a fun, positive Area Manager for a major cancer charity äóñ became a carer!_x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ Years, multiple health/life challenges later and, I'd now qualified as an Holistic Therapist, loved using laughter to try to raise the low moods of my?ætwo very poorly äóÖcareesäó»äóñ who now had heart failure. Although always positive, ?æI?æfelt that my bubbly personality was slipping away; I?æheard about Laughter Yoga and just knew I?æhad to do it! ?æ:) Two years later, I managed to train, arriving using?æa walking stick re back/leg problems. Eureka! Laughter Yoga was exactly what I needed!! It greatly benefits family and clients but more importantly itäó»s given me my?æmojo back and the walking stickäó»s no more!!_x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ I am a?æ Laughter Yoga Leader and Coach, Gibberish and Art of Nonsense Coach and Laughter Yoga Leader Teacher, I love life, people and my amazing?æäóÖwork,äó» and enthusiastically share fun, positivity and Therapeutic Laughter far and wide within myr business and many charities, corporations and groups offering bespoke individual and group activities/workshops. ?æI am sooo lucky & Laughter Yoga is behind it all & I continue to grow daily.