Susan Cuming
Susan Cuming
Certified Teacher

My Profile

After 13 years, Susan Cuming recently retired from the position of Public Education Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society of Haldimand Norfolk. Prior to coming to the Alzheimer Society, Susan was the Program Manager for Senior Support Services Community Services & Programs. Susan has extensive knowledge of working with community health agencies and organizations supporting differant populations. She is a dementia educator, a certified coach of the Gentle Persuasive Approach (GPA), U-FIRST trainer, and a Positive Approach to Care Independent trainer of the Teepa Snow dementia method. Susan completed her annual recertifion of her trainer status in early September. Susan co-authored the train the trainer program for the “Aging with an Intellectual Disability” curriculum currently being offered to cross train agencies in the area of aging and intellectual disability. She is also certified in Montessori methods for dementia, Mental Health First Aid and Safe Talk. Her work with seniors over the past 30 years has helped her to better understand the concerns and needs of our aging population and their families.

Susan is an active community volunteer, certified Neurolinguistic Program (NLP) practitioner, certified Laughter Yoga Leader/Teacher/Ambassador. Susan also teaches Qigong 24 Therapeutic postures, Pound & Generation Pound. She has recently completed and received Positive Approach to Care presenter certification status. Susan has recognized and responded to the need to provide opportunities for people to further develop their playfulness and natural laughing skills. In April of 2013, Susan began Back in Play. Since that time Back in Play has been offering Laughter Yoga, Wellness & Coaching services to groups and individuals. "Back in Play recognizes and responds to the need to provide opportunities for people to further develop their playfulness and natural laughing skills. We inspire and support individuals, groups and organizations to create positive change through laughter and play, reducing stress and optimizing health and well being."