My Profile
Laughter Yoga just have found me and has changed my life. Although being a freelance journalist I have planned just to interview dr Kataria and wirte an article on the occasion of being in India, I ended up as a certified teacher giving trainings every day. I am so happy to have brought this easy method for joyful living from India to Poland as I am the first certified teacher from my country. I laugh everyday and lead workshops in many cisties. As part of my volunteer services, I have led Laughter yoga sessions in hospitals and prisons. Since the beginning of May I have been leading the Warsaw Laughter Club. So far I have trained 33 leaders and help them in establishing Laughter Clubs in Poznan, Lodz, Krakow and Torun. I have also worked with companies such as Tesco and PZU._x000D_
I love what I do and that people smile or laugh when they see me. I really feel happy as I laugh everyday. Thank you dr Kataria for bringing this miracle to my life._x000D_
My Laughter story in english:_x000D_
You can see me and my leaders on National Television in Poland (TVP):_x000D_
and me on TVN another television in Poland:_x000D_,2064,n/jogin-smiechu-jak-pokonac-pourlopowy-stres,96765.html