Toni Fielder
Toni Fielder
Certified Leader

My Profile

Scientifically proven to reduce stress and increase “happy hormones”*, laughter really is “the best medicine”.  Your mood is instantly lifted and long term it helps lower anxiety/depression and can help increase immune function

Laughter “Yoga” combines laughing with the breathing benefits of yoga.

Hello.  My name is Toni.

I love being a laughter leader.  Bringing laughter and cultivating joy is the best job in the world.  In addition to being a totally fun workout, it has scientifically proven health benefits.

My laughter sessions will always include breathing, laughing, and stretching.  They may also include energy work, meditation and dancing if appropriate.  It's cathartic as well as fun.  And you will be surprised how fit you will become - did you know that 10 minutes of hearty laughter is equivalent to 30 minutes on a rowing machine?

Contact me at if you are interested in attending or scheduling a session or would just like more information.  Sessions can be one-on-one or groups, seated or standing and can be customized in length and content.

With Joy & Laughter,

How I found and fell in love with Laughter Yoga....
I'm a computer programmer and was always a unique color of "techy".  I didn't just program, I wanted to socialize and collaborate along with the tech side. Outside of work, I wanted to play and found that working with children brought a special kind of joy into my life. Why? Because being goofy and laughing with children is energizing as they have a natural affinity for simply enjoying life!  Did you know they laugh 30-40 times more per day that we do as adults?  Did you know that the 4 elements of joy are playing, dancing, laughing and singing?  Kids have it right.

Back to finding Laughter Yoga....
After a rather rough number of years, where I wasn't laughing or playing much at all, I started to live again.  Grappling with what to do next, I sent this question through an Artificial Intelligence program: 

"I want to laugh, dance, play and bring joy to others.  What can I do for a living?" 

It came back with ten ideas.  Rather good ones.  #6 said "you could be a laughter yoga instructor".  I stopped and stared, and laughed.  A WHAT?!?  How did I not already know about this?  I immediately started researching.  I found Dr Kataria and Laughter Yoga international.  As I was absorbing as much as I could from the website, I noticed there was a laughter session coming up…in three minutes!  I hopped on and was hooked.  Laughter was the last piece in the puzzle.  It brightened everything and over the next few months, the lingering depression and anxiety melted away.

This is one of my favorite sayings from Dr Kataria and other Laughter literature:

"I'm not laughing because I am happy, I am happy because I am laughing."

It makes me smile. And Laugh, then I am happy!

<Last updated March 31, 2024>