Sharondz Ng, Malaysia: I got to know about Laughter Yoga a few years ago at a Yoga Studio where I attended a 2 days laughter workshop. Although I felt awesome during the sessions, I didn’t find out more about it until last year, when I felt inspired to enquire about Laughter Yoga leader training in Malaysia. The timing of the course was inconvenient and I was unable to attend, so this year, I decided to sign up for the teacher training in Bangalore, India.
The training was amazing! Dr. Kataria, not only taught us Laughter Yoga, but also about the philosophy of life and spirituality. I also had the opportunity to meet and share with people from different countries, and now I have a lot of new caring friends.
After I returned home to Malaysia from the training, I started giving Laughter Yoga sessions. At first, I lacked the confidence, because by nature I’m a serious, nervous and negative thinking person, but I was lucky to meet a good laughter buddy who supported and encourages me to overcome my fears and step out from my comfort zone. In the process, I learnt how to facilitate sessions in small businesses and corporations as well. Now, I’m slowly building up my confidence to share Laughter Yoga with others, which makes me feel so blessed, happy and joyful. It feels wonderful to have the ability to contribute to the world. Laughter Yoga has helped me to improve myself; to build up my confidence, to be positive, and most of all, to be myself!